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Cafe Collective

Open Saturdays 12.00pm - 5.00pm


Operating from the top floor cafe/library, the cafe collective seeks to provide cheap vegan and vegetarian food which does not compromise our principles in respect of sustainability and global equity.


The cafe often collaborates with other collectives on themed meals, for example with the Peasants (including use of locally grown food) and the Library.  On busy gig nights, volunteers permitting, the club's legendary veggie burgers are served with accompaniments dependant on the skill and enthusiams of the available staff and ingredients.


Historically the cafe has provided outside catering for meetings, parties and functions, though for the last few years this activity has been dormant.

However, the cafe has catered outdoors at Bradford Apple Day (in conjunction with The Treehouse Cafe) and contributed equipment, transport and volunteers to The Yorkshire Kitchen at Climate Camp (2006 - 2008).


Please check the website events page for updates and specific one-off events  - recently we've had fundraisers for animal welfare, prisoner support and so on.


Maintenance of the cafe, and access, is the responsbility of the Cafe Collective. In times when the collective does not meet the general business is discussed at the regular 1in12 Sunday meetings (first and third Sunday of each month). Joining the Cafe Collective involves a short (but essential) induction process because of the food hygine and safety risks involved. Promoters are welcome to use the Kitchen if members of the Cafe Collective or supervised by a member of the Collective.

You will not be able to make use of the cafe's kitchen unless you are an active member of the club (active meaning attending meetings and contributing in some way to the running of the place).

The cafe is not a dressing room or hang-out for bands and liggers.


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