In February 1997, the 1 in 12 Club initiated a campaign to halt the further deployment of CCTV cameras in Bradford. They issued the following statement:

1 in 12 calls for further CCTV installations to be stopped

"We are concerned at the sudden rapid spread of CCTV's, both current and planned, in Bradford and surrounding towns. These cameras are being presented as a panacea for all our social ills.

"This blanket coverage of our public space has huge implications for all of us, not least the resulting invasion of our privacy and the erosion of our freedom to walk through the towns and cities where we live without being subject to 24 hour surveillance.

"It may be that these cameras can be justified. But where is the debate? Where is the opportunity for the public to inform themselves about this issue? Once these cameras go up, they'll never come down. There is currently no legal constraint at all on CCTV deployment.

"There are some grandiose claims made about how much crime is cut by these cameras. Yet no supporting evidence exists. Research shows only that CCTV cameras may displace certain crimes, pushing them into surrounding areas. Inevitably the CCTV systems expand, moving into some residential areas, leaving others blighted as insurance companies abandon them.

"Big Brother is here. We believe further deployment of these technologies must be stopped until proper critical investigation and debate is allowed."

Why not write in support of this statement to the Leader of Bradford Council, at no cost:

The Leader of the Council

City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council



1 in 12/Bradford TUC Evaluation proposals

Bradford Trades Council "Open access" proposals

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